Monday, November 24, 2008

Travel to Goa

Over the centuries various dynasties have ruled Goa. Rashtrakutas, Kadambas, Silaharas, Chalukyas, Bahamani Muslims and most famously the Portuguese have been rulers of Goa. Goa was liberated by the Indian Army from Portuguese colonisation on December 19, 1961 and became an Union Territory along with the enclaves of Daman and Diu. On May 30, 1987 Goa was conferred statehood and became the 25th state of the Indian Republic.

The state of Maharashtra borders Goa on the north, the state of Karnataka on the south and east. The vast expanse of the Arabian Sea on the west forms the magnificent coastline for which Goa is justly famous.

Renowned for its beaches, places of worship and world heritage architecture, Goa is visited by hundreds of thousands of international and domestic tourists each year. It also has rich flora and fauna, owing to its location on the Western Ghats range, which is classified as a biodiversity hotspot.

Having been the meeting point of races, religions and cultures of East and West over the centuries, Goa has a multi-hued and distinctive lifestyle quite different from the rest of India. Hindu and Catholic communities make up almost the entire population with minority representation of Muslims and other religions.

Thats Goa for you, the one destination where you can let your hair down, where there are no rules, barring a few of course. Experience a wonderful journey while enjoying a pleasant stay at Goa resorts. So, get going to Goa that is on a holiday - twelve months in a year!

A land also of endless stretches of soft sand, nut-brown friendly people and excited busy bazaars. Goa, mother to seven rivers of the Sahyadri range and full of perfect contradictions. This is the only state that guarantees to relax and rejuvenate you and at the same time set your adrenalin rushing with the amazing varieties it has to offer.

If you want to travel to Goa, read hotel reviews of Goa hotels before booking and staying.

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